I forgot my Password



1. Scope of Application

These general terms and conditions ("General Terms and Conditions") apply to the entire business relation between the customer and Fedlextrades in its capacity as the operator of the www.fedlextrades.com web application (the "Web Application"). Fedlextrades is the sole and exclusive responsible party for the contents relating to the operation of Fedlextrades Online Media and any and all contents provided on said media.

2. Amendments to the Present General Terms and Conditions

Any amendments to the present General Terms and Conditions will be notified to the customer by no later than one month prior to their proposed effective date on Fedlextrades Online Media and made available on the e-mail address provided by the customer. Amendments will be made available in a form that allows customers to save and print them in a readable format. Any amendments notified to the customer in accordance with para. 1 above will be deemed accepted, unless the customer objects within the time period specified in para. 3 below in text form. In its notification Fedlextrades will specifically inform the customer that consent will be deemed given in the absence of objection. Customers who do not wish to accept an amendment proposed to them will have to notify their objection in text form to Fedlextrades within two weeks after the amendment has been proposed to them by e-mail. In the absence of objection within the aforementioned time period, the amendments will be deemed accepted by the customer.

3. Cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are electronic forms of money which are generated via a decentralized peer-to-peer network on the internet and encrypted on the basis of digital signatures and whose development is based on a white paper by Satoshi Nakamato. Cryptocurrencies are no legal tender recognized and backed as an official means of payment by any government agency ("Money"). Fedlextrades Online Media give customers the opportunity to transfer, purchase or sell cryptocurrencies for assets. The trade is subject to the relevant terms and conditions of Fedlextrades.

4. Technical Requirements

Access to the Web Application is only possible via a web browser running on a computer or mobile device with an internet connection. No other access procedures are supported.

Once a customer has set up an account with Fedlextrades, any and all communications between Fedlextrades and the customer in connection with the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies will be exclusively in electronic form using an online inbox on Fedlextrades Online Media or via e-mail, unless expressly otherwise provided in the present General Terms and Conditions. Notifications will not additionally be sent to the customer in paper form, unless otherwise required by law.

As a consequence, Fedlextrades will not be liable

5. Legal Requirements for the Registration

Natural persons with full legal capacity may register with Fedlextrades. Natural persons are required to have a permanent residence in Singapore, Switzerland, the Federal Republic of Germany, Africa, Asia or member state of the European Economic Area.

6. Customer's Duties of Cooperation and Diligence

A proper processing of business transactions requires customers to notify Fedlextrades without delay of any changes of their names or addresses. Customers have to check the messages received in the inbox of their Fedlextrades Online Medium or by e-mail on a regular basis.

Customers can protect certain transactions using their mobile phones ("Mobile Phone") by generating a one-time password with the aid of special apps, like Google Authenticator.

Fedlextrades recommends its customers to increase the security of their accounts by adding a two-factor authentication feature. It is the customers' responsibility to keep their individual combination of username and password in safe custody. They have to take all possible care and all appropriate precautions to ensure that the individual combination of username and password is not retrieved by any unauthorized party. In particular, customers must not keep, store, or record their individual combination of user name and password by electronic or other means together with their other documents relating to Fedlextrades, and they shall be required to choose their personal and individual combination of username and password in a way that cannot be easily be retrieved by unauthorized parties. Customers who have logged in to the Web Application using their username and password ("login") shall not leave the computer, from which they are logged in, unattended. In case of any non-compliance with the foregoing rules of conduct, the customer will be liable for all risks and damages associated with such non-compliance.

A customer, who discovers that his individual combination of username and password has been retrieved by an unauthorized party or that his account with Fedlextrades has been used in an unauthorized manner, shall have to inform Fedlextrades immediately and, if possible, change his individual combination of username and password without delay. If such change is not possible, Fedlextrades will immediately upon receipt and acknowledgement of the customer's corresponding notification and upon verification of the customer's identity during usual business hours block the customer's access to his account on Fedlextrades Online Media until further notice.

Fedlextrades shall be authorized to block a customer's account at any time when it discovers an unauthorized use of the account. In such case, Fedlextrades will inform the customer of the steps required to prove his lawful ownership beyond doubt, which will be necessary for unblocking the account. If there are indications of any unauthorized use of an access, Fedlextrades will be authorized to block the cryptocurrencies in the customer's wallet to make an outflow of cryptocurrencies impossible.

Customers may use any contents published on the Web Application subject to Fedlextrades’s written permission only.

7. Registration

When registering for the use of Fedlextrades Online Media by means of the Web Application, customers will be required to carry out the following steps:

  1. The customer registers on the www.fedlextrades.com domain and follows the instructions for opening an account(onboarding).
  2. These data will then be verified by Fedlextrades.
  3. Once the account has been successfully opened, the customer will be given access to Fedlextrades Online Media.

By using the link contained in the confirmation e-mail sent to the customer, the customer confirms the identity of his e-mail address. With the confirmation of his registration, the customer accepts these General Terms and Conditions.

For the purposes of registration, the customer is required to use an e-mail address with an inbox to which only he himself has access.

Support and Complaints

Fedlextrades objective is to provide products and services that fulfill the needs of each of their customers. If you still have questions or wish to file a complaint to Fedlextrades, it will be Fedlextrades ambition to treat the matter and clarify the issue in a prompt and transparent manner. Every customer is invited to contact Fedlextrades at support@fedlextrades.com to present any questions or complaints using various channels.

An investor may get back less than the amount invested. Information on past performance, where given, is not necessarily a guide to future performance. The capital value of units in the fund can fluctuate and the price of units can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. The investments and services offered by us may not be suitable for all people. If you have any doubts as to the merits of an investment, you should seek advice from an Fedlextrades financial advisor. You should be aware that certain types of funds might carry greater investment risk than other investment funds.